Monday, June 13, 2016

In lieu of the recent Orlando Massacre

An open letter calling for a mandate to reform man-kind:

It could've been me, it could've been you, it could've been your brother,  your sister your kid or your cousin too. 

It breaks my heart to see the divide, and it makes me wonder where are you, oh, Divine? 

I know You can hear and I know You where there, to call some of your angels home, but those they left behind feel so alone. 

It's not a matter of who's wrong or who is right, or whose God can claim victory on that night. 

It's not about the politicians who quickly use this tragedy for their hidden agendas, and don't even let the dead be mourned before proposing referendums. 

And what about the people that claim to know You? How dare they use Your name in vein, and say that You rejoice in seeing the slain. 

That is not the God I know, the one who in spite of MY SINS loves me so. I don't understand why this occurred or why You let it happen, but instead of spreading hate, I choose to believe that it was to remind us to spread love, in remembrance of this day.

It was not to live in fear, and shed all these tears. It was not just to promote gun control, or the next presidential candidate. These lives meant so much more than just new mandates. 

A reform is needed, yes indeed, but not just in the law. I am on my knees praying for a reform in mankind. A reform in humanity,  compassion, humility, pudor, loyalty, benevolence, and U-N-I-T-Y. 

You know, those things that used to make us humans. Those things that seem to be a foreign concept today in the hearts of many. Especially those who call themselves Your disciples. 

We are a generation of hardened hearts, it is true, but the God I know can break walls and move mountains. 

And on this day I pray that you transform our hearts from hatred, bigotry, entitlement, and a sense of righteousness and instead fill us with Your kindness. 

Maybe I'm asking for a utopia, but You are the Creator of the Universe, nothing is impossible for You.  

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34

It could've been me, it could've been any of you and yet it wasn't. But it can be me and it can be you. We can be the ones to make a change. After all, it only requires one person to inspire greatness. 

-Angie Gomez

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